Tankerton sampling :
And the reason for our early rising ? The time and tide were just right to catch some exposures of 5000 year – 8000 year old soils, peats muds being exposed. We were accompanied by trusty friend ‘K’ and Drs ‘A’ and ‘C’ my research supervisor and programme leader respectively. Plus the very cute daughter of Dr ‘C.’ A budding quaternary scientist if ever I saw one !
We took some cores, but unfortunately the peat was a little bit old for our purposes... There was a fantastic up side though, the extreme low tide has exposed some really cool marine life; bright orange living sponges the size of my hand and the biggest sea anemones I’ve even seen (see photo). Best of all though, Dr ‘C’ noticed a large section of mammoth’s tusk sticking out of the mud
With Dr ‘A’ and ‘R’ standing on the shoreline, us three ladies ‘L’ ‘K’ and me bravely waded out into the mud to take nine samples and a core along a transect. We did get our samples, but it was rather unpleasant wading up to our thighs in anoxic (stinky and sulphurous) mud. A few times we did get quite stuck, and had to pull each other out, which was a good illustration of why you should never work alone in estuarine conditions!
After we had washed off the mud, changed our clothes and got back to the uni, we were soothed by nice hot drinks, flapjacks and comfy chairs in the Pilkington.
While we were there , ‘K’ noticed that her shoulder was hurting... Later that evening she sent me a text to say that she had dislocated her shoulder as we pulled her out of the mud. I must say, ‘L’ and I felt horrendously guilty, but she was very brave about the whole thing ! Her sling comes off tomorrow...
And all because the ladies love : MUD !
While we were there , ‘K’ noticed that her shoulder was hurting... Later that evening she sent me a text to say that she had dislocated her shoulder as we pulled her out of the mud. I must say, ‘L’ and I felt horrendously guilty, but she was very brave about the whole thing ! Her sling comes off tomorrow...
And all because the ladies love : MUD !
‘Mind blowing
by Heatwave
I was trawling through my collection the other day for something I hadn’t listened to for a while and I remembered this ! Nice sing along lyrics, but its beauty is in the musical arrangement. In my (humble) opinion it is a genius song of amazing rhythmical complexity ! What do you think is the most amazing thing about it though ?
Listening to it you can visualise some sort of late 70’s disco in Chicago... Tall, suave guys sporting afros and big medallions, and then - Scratch the record, everyone will gasp when I tell you it was written by a man from Hull ! Yes ! Hull ! Rod Temperton was his name, and as well as playing the keyboards, he was a crucial songwriter in the band. Last year BBC Radio 2 listed this song as part of the ‘Great British’ song book, an acclaim it thoroughly deserves ! Hope you like it as much as I do ! Jerushah x
Listening to it you can visualise some sort of late 70’s disco in Chicago... Tall, suave guys sporting afros and big medallions, and then - Scratch the record, everyone will gasp when I tell you it was written by a man from Hull ! Yes ! Hull ! Rod Temperton was his name, and as well as playing the keyboards, he was a crucial songwriter in the band. Last year BBC Radio 2 listed this song as part of the ‘Great British’ song book, an acclaim it thoroughly deserves ! Hope you like it as much as I do ! Jerushah x
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