Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Swimming in the rain!

I’ve been to the real me – I love meteorology !
It was with a little bit of sadness that I decided not to continue with one of the taught units of my course this week. It was mainly due to personal reasons, and although am am still ‘up to speed’ on my requirement of taught courses, I felt quite dejected as I do not usually consider myself a ‘quitter.’ I was now left to research what to choose for my final taught option in September 2011, and after my recent experience I was more than a bit concerned.
Well, that was Wednesday but by Friday my confidence had received a real boost! My good friend and colleague, let’s call her ‘K’ had told me about a course she was attending. So I decided to sneak into the lecture, incognito just for a taster session... and found it was one of the most engaging lectures I had ever attended – it was great! The subtleties of previously undecipherable weather maps were suddenly revealed like the translation of a lost ancient language. The ‘homework’ for the students in the session was to watch David Attenborough’s ‘First Life’ and feed back the following week – how cool is that ? It was fabulous, in fact I think I can categorically state that I will be taking the course next year... Roll on September 2011!
I spoke to my Mum on the phone on Saturday evening (who incidentally loves watching the weather forecast), and in response to me informing her that I had decided to take meteorology next year she said, and I quote ‘That’s nice Jerushah, I like meteors..’

Swimming :
Do you remember way back in the day
when I started writing my blog?
I am sure I remember saying that I love
unconventional swimming...

On Sunday my daughter and I took a one hundred and forty (yes, 140 - now that is dedication!) mile road trip to visit an open air swimming pool in Surrey called ‘The Coral Reef.’ It had an indoor water park, which was of course fantastic, but our real purpose for going was the open air section of the leisure pool. The water was quite warm, we had a fabulous time firstly swimming as it poured down with rain (the poor lifeguard had full waterproof gear and an umbrella!), then enjoyed basking in the the golden November sunshine as the weather cleared up... We’ll definately do it again – I wonder what it would be like in the snow?
Help for heroes :
Last week I had planned to go and support my friend’s ‘Help for Heroes’ charity event in Rochester on Friday night, but on Friday morning I realised (like Cinderella) that I didn’t have a dress as half of my clothes had been sent to Oxfam and the other half are packed in boxes, due to the forthcoming house move. Happily though, before the morning was out my friend ‘L’ had arranged for me to borrow a dress (plus handbag and wrap) for the night, which made me feel like a true Cinderella – it was great and so glamourous! Thanks ‘L’ & ‘BB’ !!

‘Take That 2’ appeared half
way through the night, and
although (as you know if
you have read any of my other
blogs), they would never appear
in my record of the week slot,
I was singing along as they
belted out ‘Never Forget’ just
like all the other thirty something
ladies in room !

And the best news... the
event raised over £4000 for
‘Help for Heroes.’

...and finaly, here is the ltest picture of Twilight Kitten, because she is so cute and brings us smiles every day!

J's record of the week:


By Estelle

The other day I was having a bit of a clear out (still hoping we’re going to move house very soon), and came across an old removable drive for my computer... and I don’t mean pen drive. It was big and chunky looking, and even required its own power supply ! State of the art for the early noughties I’m sure... however it did contain some rather excellent forgotten about music, including the song ‘Free’ which has really been really uplifting during this stressful week. 
At only six years old, this is probably one of the youngest songs so far on J’s record of the week.
It was released in 2004 on Estelle’s album ‘18th day.’ If you listen carefully you can spot guest vocals from a real mixed bag of artists and a rap from Megaman of  ‘So Solid’ - remember them ?
Jerushah X

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